The second installment of “The Live Cage Tournament” Poker run by American Cardrooms took place this week-end past with an amazing amount of $140,000 in play. The game which is a time based game run in a tournament type format took place in San Jose, Costa Rica and is just one part of American Cardrooms endeavour to create and push for more live events.
The event that was run over two days had Christopher Roberts emerging as the BIG winner of some $21,825 followed by the second place winner Charles Horrocks with $18,890 and third place going to Jeff Gross with a pocket of $15,435.
The Live Cage attendance was 28 players who entered the battle. Thirteen Players won their way through an online poker qualifier at Americas Cardroom while the remaining 15 bought in directly in Costa Rica. Of the 28 players who entered, 13 left the Cage with cash, and 12 won more than their buy-in back.
Players hoping to dominate the Live Cage won’t have to wait long. There are three remaining this year in July, September, November. This Sunday at 6pm ET, Americas Cardroom hosts the Beast and Sit & Crush Live Cage satellite where the top-3 finishers are guaranteed to win an $8,000 Live Cage package.